Friday, October 9, 2009

Hiccups in life and eating...

Not the main posting for the day...but needs to be said! I have been so hungry all day! Of course the brain turns to the thoughts of not so good choices....mmmmm...chocolate, mmmmm...candy.... mmmm....french fries
So, I ate, but had an apple with peanut butter and a Fiber Plus is it stuff that is good for you has calories?!?!...NOT FAIR!
So tonight promised my boy an icecream (he has a reward coupon from school for being a good citizen), and I know I'll participate...I'd like to say I won't, but it's Dairy Queen...and that happens like 2X a year!! And, just to heap on the excuses and justifications and rationalizations...I am frustrated with smelling like baby puke!!
So for the first 3 days it has been up and down...I am making better food choices overall, but still giving into the temptations that are out there - all with excuse in hand! Baby steps are being made - I am doing better than I was a week ago...and I'll do better next week than I have this week. Heck, I'll do better tomorrow than I did today! ( Mostly cause I can't afford Dairy Queen again! :}
Baby steps...don't give up...I am making improvements...Rome wasn't built in a day - and neither were my Thunder will take time for them to go away too! Breath and just take it 1 moment at a time...

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