Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 6: We aren't even going to talk about it...much

Wow...blew it away yesterday...and I don't mean by a little bit, I mean by blew it out of the water!! It is amazing to me that I could have such a great day on Sunday, and then (as if Satan knew I was getting a head of steam going) it gets blown away!
I didn' t get my weight done this morning - running late with the kids. Will be sure to get it done in the morning.
I did add up my calories - roughly... I ate about 3500 calories!!! OH MY STARS!!
I started off well, and it went downhill quickly!
Had a doctor's appointment, so my plan to not leave the house in the yucky weather was kiboshed. Stopped by drive thru at Dunkin Donuts to get a new Pumpkin Latte...a small one. I figured I could squeeze that in ( calorie wise)...and I do believe Satan works there!! Not only did I wind up with a latte, but somehow there he sat, dangling a Pumpkin muffin in front of me - knowing my stomach was growling and all!! Then they gave me the Pumpkin donut...not the muffin!! Which, they wouldn't take back....so I just HAD to eat it -- too.
Still, could have salvaged the day, barely. But, doc's office ran long, lunch was in order. McDonalds! Did I get the salad? NO! Under stress from 3 hrs at doc's office, 2 kids (1 crying from being hungry and tired), I got a Happy Meal for both me and Reagan!
Dinner time, I'm figuring what the heck...it was going to be a fairly low cal meal anyway for all. Grilled cheese and macaroni & tomato soup. But, instead of being cautious about my portions, I knew I had blown the day, I'd just eat reasonably and be done with the day!
Only, I was going to make up some more formula...not enough for the night! Off the kids and I go to get more. Come back home, had bought the wrong kind!! Again, Reagan is screaming and crying and being TOTALLY UNCOOPERATIVE in my crisis situation...Austin is in a snit, and Bailey is lamenting about how hard her life is because we had to go out 2x, Peyton slept most of the time, but woke up and ate too quickly and spit up so much it was pooled in her carseat (and did I bring the diaper bag on the 2nd trip out?!?!?)! I'm about to join Reagan in the cry fest. We get back to Target, change out the formula...and it is 6:15. Well past dinner making time. We decide on IHOP (kids eat free - in case you didn't know). I decided at that point .... forget it! I am eating the pancakes and going to love every single bite!!!
And on another note...I have set up all my workout stuff in the basement....and we now have confirmed mold and it will all have to be moved and taken apart. I REALLY want to exercise, but can't afford to take classes, join a gym or otherwise. AND, the park I'd love to walk at has been closed because of the flooding - and the weather won't cooperate! I know - part of this is excuses, there are other parks, even the mall close by where I could walk for free. I just need to get in that mode of thinking for now and get it done! But, dangit, why can't it be easy?!?!?
So, there was my day. What is learned from it?
  • Satan works at Dunkin Donuts
  • I eat during times of high stress
  • Life is generally NOT going to cooperate for me to loose this weight easily...it was much more cooperative to gain it!!

So, on to today. It will be a better day!! It will...It will...It will!!

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