Tuesday, October 6, 2009

And so it begins...sorta

To give credit where credit is due...original idea came from Jamie and Sarah - so thanks, guys! Putting this out there for all to read and hold me accountable and encourage should help me a lot!!
I have been at this spot before...tired of being fat (I could have said overweight, but why mince words?), tired of seeing what I see in the mirror, tired of being the role model that I am being, tired of being a "victim" to the food...
Only this time it is different - why? Because all those things above and because of the blood pressure issue that has not and may not resolve. True it was a result of pregnancy, but the truth of it is...the pregnancy likely just brought on an acute case of something that was lurking underneath anyway. When I consider how I have taken care of myself (snorting an incredulous laugh), it's a suprise this didn't come about earlier.
Now everytime my left shoulder blade hurts or I have a headache or it gets a bit hard to breathe...I wonder - is it my heart? What if I had a heart attack or a stroke? Got to tell you I'd be seriously ticked to be fed & diapered by my family or others and not be an active part of life because I chose not to change.
There is also the fact that my oldest child told me at dinner one night, "Mom, if I had a magic wand, I'd wish you were skinny and healthy." And then when we were getting ready for church on Sunday.. "Mom, your pretty big, maybe you could use Jenny Craig and loose some fat," I didn't know if I should laugh or cry,,,did a bit of both.
I wish I could say this plan of change transcends (nice word, huh?) human desire and reaches to the realm of spiritual realizations and such...but to be honest, it doesn't. I just want to feel better and look better. I know I'll be using ALOT of prayer throughout this plan of change, and need some spiritual and physical kicking in the tail frequently...and I know that positive change will affect me spiritually too.
So, wish me luck, pray for me, hold me accountable, look for updates - daily for now (not as long as this), eventually less. Laugh at me, cry for me, shake your head at the monitor as I mess up, tap me out a message of encouragement, reproof, teaching, sharing of secrets and stories...
I am convinced as we all band together and "get it all out there", we'll stop hiding the goodies from everyone so we can eat them in peace and quiet (and let's face it...not share those last 2 bites with the kids...they simply can't appreciate good chocolate!!), admit when we stumble and help pick each other up - then we can do it together. Now, I am no cheerleader...but if one wants to come alongside...I'll be happy to throw a "Rah-Rah-Sis-Boom-Bah" with spirit fingers your way!
So, until tommorrow morning- where I'll post weight and measurements (gulp and double gulp!) take care!


  1. Yay Melinda! That first weight is the hardest! You can do it. We're here for you!

  2. You can do it Melinda! Believe me...I know your frustration. It's taken me a LONG time to get the first 5 lbs off. It's like it's stuck to me like glue. BUT now I'm noticing that my clothes are getting bigger. It takes time, patience, committment and a LOT of prayer. Also, don't be hard on yourself. Recognize what you struggle with and defeat one thing at a time. YOU CAN DO IT! We all can!
