Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1 Week - back in the saddle again...then fell out!

One might think I'd be super careful about eating since I totally blew it yesterday! And, I was...until dinner.
Weight: 234.4
  • Breakfast: 2 English Muffins w/ 1 wedge of creamy swiss laughing cow cheese and 2 slices of ham. And of course, coffee! TOTAL: 382
  • Snack: Trail mix pack = 120
  • Lunch: Chicken breast w/ salsa, marinade and 1C of veggies and brown rice TOTAL: 390
  • Snack: 2 licorice candies = 70, Life cereal w/ skim milk = 160, Fiber Bar = 120
  • Dinner: 3 egg whites, 1 piece of bacon, 1/2 tbsp butter, 3 biscuits (yes, I said was supposed to be one - but I spiraled out of control here - for 540 calories just for the buscuits {GULP!} ) TOTAL: 705
  • Munching to Stay Awake w/ Peyton: Licorice = 105, Hard Candy = 70, 3 pieces of chocolate = 220 cal, jelly beans = 140


Got to be honest, considered leaving some stuff off...but thought - what's the point of that? I am doing this to get some honest feedback and accountability from people. Just the fact that I considered not revealing all tells me that this is working - whether anyone actually reads it or not!

Got to get rid of the candy stuff...too easy to just whip out and munch on. Got to work on some self control here...

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. But, I have to choose to let him be in control and not my own desires. I guess that is what drives me the most nuts... is knowing I have the capability to do this, but I am just not making the right choices to do it.

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