Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Here we go again

Thanks to those of you who have followed me, and sorry for giving up before, but I had to do it for my own and children's sanity.

So, now I'm a bit of a different place. Peyton is a bit older and a bit more into a sleeping schedule, the kids are a smidge more independant. They actually can push me into doing more -- and they do!

I really began again on Monday. A few futile efforts were put forth a few weeks ago, but since it's summer for the kids - I am trying again ...and instead of combatting the children, I am working hard on involving them.

A few things to note...I am sort of doing the Slimfast 3.2.1. program, I know, I know...if any of you are food purists, you are absolutely cringing at the idea that I am putting all this manufactured stuff in my body. But, I figure that this is easy, fairly cheap, and I can manage it. I will eventually get away from it, but for now - it helps me keep a handle on what I'm eating and drinking.

I have checked out this free website called, and it has some seriously cool tools there to use. It says for extreme fat loss I need a bit over 1900 calories today, but that is the lowest I should get, for better healthy results I should be around 2100 calories. I haven't even hit the 1900 mark for the past 2 days. Oddly enough, I haven't been hungry either. Maybe it's working out 3 times a day, keeping busy with the kids or something. I am creating my eating schedule/menu for 1900...with figuring I'll miss measure or something and that gives me cushion. I figure more important than that number is how I feel...if I'm hungry...then I'll eat.

Suprisingly I haven't suffered too much caffiene withdrawl symptoms...I do still have me morning coffee with all the trimmings. But, I have stopped drinking cokes. Thought it would be hard as I was having 1-2 per day. It really hasn't been bad.

As of Monday I weighed 246.6 lbs. We'll see how much I loose in a week. The kids want me to step on the scale "Biggest Looser" style (which I find to be a completely inspiring and frustrating show all at the same time)! We'll see how that goes!

I am doing the redone Beth Moore study of "Breaking Free", and I wish she had done this study to talk to someone other than me...(If you don't get that...think about it for a moment and how God uses His word and people to convict you!), anyway, she says at 1 point that we can't have our mountains if we don't get past our moments. I pray frequently for God to just help me through those moments. Help me 50-60 times a day...or an hour...

Next time, I'd like to take just a minute to look at who I was a week ago, a month ago...maybe some of you will get it....maybe not. But, hey -- I feel the need to share and it's my I can.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great Melinda. Just keep doing the baby steps. Hey, if I can give up my sweet tea and sugar free caramel vanilla creamer then you can do it too!!!
