Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm done for now

I'm not sad, I'm not ranting and raving, I'm not much of anything right now. I have come to realize that I can't do it all right this minute and the more pressure I put on myself to do it all, the more I feel like a failure and don't do it all.
I want REALLY WANT to work out. I LOVE to work out. I LOVE to get all sweaty and feel like I accompilished something at the end of it. But, until I have a child that sleeps or money to join a gym with childcare...it just can't happen. If I start working out and have to stop cause my baby wakes up...I'll be mad at her. That just isn't right or fair for my kiddos.
Chuck's schedule doesn't allow for him to take the kids to give me the time to work out on a consistent basis...so I get mad at him.
I am hoping and praying that soon little Peyton will sleep thru the night again...and so will I. Then I can have the energy (and time) to go to my basement and put some of this equipment I have to use!!
Eating? I have great intentions...as I have said so many times before....but, that doesn't happen either. Throw a teething baby in that won't be put down...and I am snagging whatever is in arm's reach to eat -- and arm's reach typically isn't good for me. I can't plan, cause right now - if I do plan...it's out the window by the end of breakfast for some reason.
Now it's time to jet out the door to get kids to school...life jumps up and gets in the way of these grand plans sometimes....so it's time for me to step back and breathe. To get ready for what God has planned for me. And I know that in many ways I will continue to be held back because I'm not tackling this large part of my life that makes me....large.....
but, I can enhance other areas of my life right now...and maybe take tiny baby steps towards changing the rest...carrots instead of candy for a snack on Wednesday...maybe not Thursday...but hey, 1 day at a time -- sometimes as Sarah said....one minute at a time!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right. You have to prioritize and right now you need to know your limits. Like I've said before, I don't know if I could go to school AND take care of kids too. I applaud you for that. You're doing great...Take it one second ;) at a time.
