Monday, October 19, 2009

Hey monkey...wanna piggy back ride?

For anyone who did not understand the title of this post...this whole weight thing is a total monkey on my back (and stomach, and hips, and arms, and thighs...)
For all of my spouting that this time was going to be wasn't! I didn't keep it together for a couple of days, then just gave it up. Sure, I had my reasoning in hand...but it then again, that is nothing new either!
So, I begin again today. No new firm resolve, just taking it 1 bite at a time. I am trying to keep it below 2000 calories. That seems like SO many calories...and it is for some people. But, it is a good place for me to start this week. And, depending on how this week goes, (if 2000 proves to be horrendously difficult, I'll keep that goal) If I can manage it for the most part on 2000 then next week I plan on dropping it down to 1900 calories. I will get there eventually.
Seriously got to plan on the workout original plans of the basement have been shot for now. So, now I have to adjust that thought, instead of wallowing in the "what shoulda been...". I have at least put the double stroller in the van (no easy feat if you have seen the back of the van's holding area size), so now it is either mall walking or going to the park to walk right now... Of course today's exercise will be shoveling and spreading mulch in our backyard play area...quite the work out - but I must confess that I LOVE it!
So, stay posted for eating, weight and workout details tommorrow.

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